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Why Python Programmers Need C?

by Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer

If you give someone the choice to choose between C and Python, most will choose Python. It’s easy to pick up, has an awesome community, a huge database of already solved issues, a mammoth-sized 3rd party package repository, innumerable open snippets, you could go on …

However, at the end of the tunnel, you must inevitably shake hands with C/C++. If you really want to understand how Python manages internal details, you must know how the interpreter works. Computing a suuuuper long integer in C gives out infinity while Python computes it easily. How? looking at the source code tells. If you want to do impossible things, C is the way to go.

In the Python world, there is a famous saying: “Python where you can, C++ where you must”. If you want a cool bundling and glue language, that’s Python. If you want faster Python libraries, you always have C. This has become so successful that now Numpy is among the top 10 imports. And, Numpy makes shameless use of brute C codes.

You might ask why not code in C directly? If you want, Nuitka converts your Python code to C codes ^^_. Well, if you want to become a Core dev, C, though not a requirement (as most Python programmers believe), is the language you can’t ignore.