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The Two Parts of Python Learning

by Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer

Learning Python never ends. Searching for Python on amazon gives out over 10,000 results. Averaging 150 pages per book, that’s 1,500,000 pages for you to read. That’s nothing compared to 232,000,000 results searching for “Python tutorial”.

But, really, to learn Python you must track two things. One is core Python and secondly, applications. Learning the core means mastering the syntax, constructs and standard library well. It also includes the dev environment like pip/poetry, IDEs, paths etc.

Applications of Python is a vast field. You choose some 5 areas like web dev, desktop dev, automation, data science and ml, cryptography. Then, you learn the concepts of each field alongside popular frameworks. Then you are employable. This small paragraph is some 80% of the work.

I restress the point “well”. Employers expect you to know frameworks well. If you say you know PyQt5 then they expect you to know it really well. Real-world requirements are way beyond ‘portfolio’ projects.